Lots and lots of people have passed this video around, but it puts a giant, ridiculous grin on my face everytime I watch it. This guy is my new hero.
Matt is a 31-year-old guy from Connecticut who was inspired one day during his travels to do his signature silly dance for the camera and upload it to the website he was using to keep his family up-to-date on his wherabouts.
Anyway, what started on a whim in one country, he decided to repeat around the world…
Well, you could say it caught a wave (over 10 million views as of today), and a year or so later, Stride Gum approached him about sponsoring a sequel, on their dime – which was a no-brainer for Matt…
that was cool. what might have made that second one even potentially a bit cooler is if at the end, they managed to bring all of those groups from around the world together in one place.
but that might have taken it to a political place they didn’t mean it to go.
and in the end where would you have people gather? any site you might choose would be fraught with problems… like, why did you pick America? What is that supposed to imply. Or, why Jerusalem. Or anywhere.
Except maybe the north pole… I don’t know who has laid claim to the north pole.
I missed this meme somehow. I showed it to Rachel, and she went all, “THAT WAS ON REDDIT YEARS AGO!”. I’m a total n00b.
concerning “before you give up on the human race”…
the other day i saw a bumper sticker that said “Visualize Industrial Colapse” and i first felt this: I love humans! 6 plus Billion are AWESOME!!! Without industrial waste n’ crap, we ARE organic! 6 Billion Humans are not the prob…Mutha’ F’n Industry is YO. Visualize!